카테고리 없음
Luxor sys
거대한 날개
2020. 2. 23. 12:05
inputs: Fastlength(0), Slowlength(0);
vars : Mp(0), Fast(0), Slow(0), golong(false), goshort(false), Buystop(0), Sellstop(0) ;
Fast = Ma(C,Fastlength);
Slow = Ma(C,Slowlength);
goLong = fast > Slow;
goshort = fast < Slow;
if CrossUp(fast, slow) then {
Buystop= high + 50; //고점을 지정한다
if CrossDown(fast, slow) then {
sellstop= low - 50; //저점을 지정한다
If GoLong AND MP == 0 Then
Buy ("Long", atstop,BuyStop) ;
If GoShort AND MP == 0 Then
Sell ("Short", atstop,SellStop) ;
If MP == 1 Then Begin
ExitLong("EL", atstop,Slow - 50);
If MP == -1 Then Begin
ExitShort("ES", atstop,Slow + 50);