카테고리 없음

Nothing but a song 가사 - 티아고 요르크

거대한 날개 2013. 11. 21. 07:36


요즘 반해버린곡이에요. 티아고 요르크의 낫씽벗어쏭 얼핏들으면 존메이어처럼 들리는 노래~ 으흐흥~ 멋지당~~^<^


I read your mind a thousand times
Exempt myself from alibis
Surrender to me softly
You're trying to find a different side on me

You see this life
As nothing but a song without no rime

Hum dap dararah
Hum dap dararah oh
Tiago Iorc(티아고 요르크) Nothing But A Song Lyrics

Devote myself with compromise
Selfishly lying, giving bad advice
Surrender to me once again
You're trying to find a boy inside a man

You ask me why
We suffocate our lives beneath the sky

Hum dap dararah
Hum dap dararah oh

Maybe we're losing all reason in our silly fights
Maybe this time it'll seem right
I wanna tell you 'bout
The day we first met and
How I feel when you're holding me tight
Oh, and how you've changed my life

Hum dap dararah
Hum dap dararah oh

출처 : Jet Lyrics


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*At a Glance
Nationality: Brazilian
Born: Nov 28 1985

사진 프로필 출처 : amazon.com