검색결과 리스트
2010. 1. 24. 15:17
간단하게 접는 가위
간단하게 접는 가위
Coghlan's Folding Scissors
These folding scissors are compact enough for a first-aid kit, purse or pocket.
Heat-treated stainless steel blades provide a sharp, long-lasting cutting edge
Stainless steel will not rust
Chrome-plated die cast handles house the blades when folded so you won't hurt yourself accidentally
Material Stainless steel
Coghlan 아웃도어 용품 전문 브랜드
바느질용 가위
간단하게 접는 가위

Coghlan's Folding Scissors
These folding scissors are compact enough for a first-aid kit, purse or pocket.
Heat-treated stainless steel blades provide a sharp, long-lasting cutting edge
Stainless steel will not rust
Chrome-plated die cast handles house the blades when folded so you won't hurt yourself accidentally
Material Stainless steel
Coghlan 아웃도어 용품 전문 브랜드

바느질용 가위
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